Goodness gracious me. I'm having quite the run of luck with blog competitions. Last week I was lucky enough to win myself a copy of Mankind Mag from Design for Mankind. What a brilliant prize! I've really enjoyed the content, and particularly loved the interview with Ladybird, a wonderful artist who creates secret miniature worlds in strange little nooks and crannies (such as above). I struggled with chosing an image of her work to share with you - they're all so fantastic! Be sure to check them out.

Then today I was drawn as the winner of Cicada Daydream's Summertime Sampler giveaway! What great timing after my post yesterday about wanting to start a patchwork project. I am really chuffed to have some more great fabrics to add to my small but growing collection. Thank you so very much! (Psst! - if you love these fabrics, you can purchase your own sample pack here!)
All this comes on top of winning a Skinny LaMinx teatowel a few weeks ago. Now I don't just enter every competition around, only competitions where I love the prize on offer. I am a bit worried that by sharing my winning strak with you I may bring it to an end. i just can't help but wonder what it all means. Or doesn't it mean anything? I have been known to overanalyse....
Amazing! You're on a streak (and I'm touching wood as I say that, so I won't mess with your luck). Well done!
lucky-duck! i never win stuff. and if i did, i'd be terrified of jinxing my luck. it may be best not too talk about it too much, lest you jinx yourself or turn the rest of us green with envy! :)
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