Friday, September 26, 2008

The friday letter....A....

Check me out! - I'm posting my Friday letter at a reasonable time for a change! I have a nerd to thank for that. I finally got one to come and fix my laptop. Yay for geeknerds!!

I used to drive past this A on my way to wine appreciation class every week and always told myself that 'next week' I'd bring my camera and get a photo. Well my classes finished so took a drive last night to get this shot. I found the carpark gates closed so I had to trespass to get it. I was hoping to be stopped by the cops or at least security so I had a story to tell, (and to see their reaction when I told them it was in the name of 'art') but alas nothing. It's turned out much blurrier than I realised at the time, but I kind of like that. Maybe my hands were trembling in anticipation of getting sprung. I think it must be about 2m tall, so perhaps I was zooming AND shaking which can't help.

I've got my letter up before Jen this week (as should be the case considering I have Friday a day before she does!!), so I'll add a link to hers later.

Ohh! Jen got in early! Here's her T. An orange capital T. On a black background. I'm getting shivers.

Have a great weekend everyone.

1 comment:

painted fish studio said...

wine appreciation class? how wonderful! i'm about to open my cheap bottle of wine, which for $8, i appreciate very much!

the A is fab. but dang, it would have been cooler if you had gotten busted for trespassing! :)