I love interior design, furniture design, renovating, building, decorating - reading about it, looking at it, hearing about it, talking about it. So I was super delighted when I was told about Door Sixteen (thanks Beck!).
Door Sixteen is a blog by Anna, who is renovating her 1890's Victorian rowhouse in Newburgh, New York, with the help of her husband and adorable dogs (I asume her husband is adorable too, but it might be a little inappropriate for me to make that call).
Not only do I love her design style, and the AMAZING house, but I really like her writing style. She's one of those bloggers that you can imagine chatting to in the 'real world' (you know, that one that's not blog-land).
And this seamlessly leads me to my news - I am now the proud owner of a mortgage. My first ever! More accurately, my boyfriend (ew, I think i'm a bit old to be using that word) and I have just had our bank loan approved to buy a beautiful Art Deco home here in Perth, W.Australia. I'm super excited and since having our offer accepted I have almost completely renovated the entire home in my head! I look forward to sharing it with you when the time comes to start doing things for real.
Have a great weekend everyone. :)