....as asked by the Black Crowes. Anyhoo, on with my exposé of my favourite shops in Perth, Australia.

Welcome to Remedy! (See where I was going? Clever, huh?) Remedy sells beautiful things that make brilliant presents. Everything feels special and I'd be pretty happy to have people buy me presents from Remedy (hint, hint). They stock the super brilliant Third Drawer Down range (which I'll try to write about in more detail one day - I'm smitten) and the popluar Carrie Chau items. Plus there's books, magazines, jewellery, and allsorts. Ooh, and the delicious Aesop skincare range. Quite frankly, I think my Best on Show brooches would fit in quite nicely - if only I could find them in my boxes....
You can find Remedy on High Street in Fremantle, and they now have a store on Oxford Street in Leederville! Admittedly, I've been out of the country for a while, so this might not be news to you locals. Actually, while you're on Oxford Street, be sure to head north to number 324 where you'll find Merchants of Fancy, a curiosity shop, haircut shop, art shop & coffee shop all mashed in together.
Remedy for me please (yes, thank you again Black Crowes)....