I've been thinking about my name a lot lately. Well, not my name, but my business name. What business? Well behind the scenes here at the sunday project, things are happening. Slowly sure, but they are happening. I'm doing a small business course and thinking about what I'd like the sunday project to become. It's exciting but also a little frustrating because the sunday project is a parttime thing that I think about fulltime. I just have to be patient (and so do you, I'm afraid). Stay tuned....
(Psst! - this cup - 95c from Ikea - has been drawn on using the ceramic pens I wrote about yesterday. The bacon pencil case in the background is made from the below-par panels printed for these cushions).
Ooh I know that whole part time/full time thing veeery well. Not fun. It'll all be worth it though! That's what I keep telling myself anyway :)
ps is it sad i knew that was an ikea cup? don't answer...
i'm so excited about alex sunday and i love that you're making stuff with your pens and cheap ikea mugs!
as we say in spanish "lento pero seguro", slow but sure.
good luck with your proyect!
by the way, love the name alex sunday!
Ceramic pens! Awesome!
I've been eyeing those pens! Very tempting. And the bacon pencil case looks great.
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