Friday, March 2, 2012

Linocut 2....

Still plenty to do, but so far I'm happy with how it's going (which is not to say I wouldn't do things differently if I had the chance!).  This is just a detail - I'll show the full piece when I finish.


A said...

Get out! He is just awesome :) You are SO clever.
I haven't been on here for ages and I saw the post of the map cushion. I didn't know you liked maps too! I have an old UBD that I cut down on our gigantic 50s Czech guillotine (that I badly miss) tucked away awaiting the right origami project. Will make you another origami ball when I get around to having some time for something other than study.
A xx

painted fish studio said...

he certainly is handsome! you've done a wonderful job with him. i especially love the arch of his right brow into the nose!

when skies are grey said...

Your lines look great, nice print! Also, that salad up there looks divine.

Jesse said...

Looking good!