Thursday, January 3, 2013

6 months between posts?!....

Well, I couldn't have said it better myself.

Not that I've been idle.  I had a baby, after all.  Coco's little sister, Frankie, arrived just before Christmas and between the 2 of them, creative time is minimal.  Not that I'm complaining.  :)

I did manage to find the time late last year to work on a few things.  One was a commission for Arlo's brother - a matching plate, which I'll show you another time.  While I was getting some printing and firing done, I thought I'd take the opportunity to whip up a few other ideas.  The plate above was inspired by an expletive fueled speech at a fancy wine event. That's all I'll say on the matter - I wouldn't want to go incriminating anyone!


painted fish studio said...

well hello! i really want this plate. xo

Jesse said...

Love the plate! Hope it won't be another 10 months....

Rabbit and the Duck said...

Oh wow how did I miss that you had another baby?! I'm living in a land of fluffy clouds clearly! Hope all is well with you xx